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Celebrity Beauty Trends To Follow This Fall

Beauty by Marianela

Wondering what beauty trends will remain strong until the end of the year? You could stroll through the mall, or simply glimpse through endless magazine pages, but the answers won't be as easy to find. The online world is a universe of its own—anything from drawing a twilight on your lids, to risque cat eyes, are just part of what the sparkly galaxy is made of.

To help you stay in touch with what's hot, I've gathered the most notorious trends. The ones that are easy to recreate now that fall is near.

Falsies & Nude Lips

Jlo, Beauty by Marianela

Well Blended Warm Tones

Beauty by Marianela

Only Mascara and Strokes of Pink

Kate Winslet, Beauty by Marianela

That Orange is Gold!

Gigi Hadid, Beauty by Marianela

These are just a few of the trends. Keep in mind that most of these colors may already be in your vanity. It's all a matter of being creative with colors, just as what I did with a single palette, Jaclyn Hill's Champagne Pop limited edition palette to be exact!

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